Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's getting HOT in Here!

Well it's been soo hot the past few days, last night we got the new "blue" pool up as our other one RIP had to be put down after 5 great years of service.  The girls hope to use it later today (pending the chemicals are in check).

Looking at my last few posts prior to falling off the face of the earth, I see that I set some goals... I still am trying hard to achieve them, some a little better than others.  Most days escape me, and I get to bed and stare at the ceiling thinking... where the heck did the time go... I beat myself up over things I didn't complete or accomplish, for eating too much or not enough.  Although I would love to be able to say with 100% certainty I can "stay on the wagon" with weight loss and exercise... I am trying to accept that I am HUMAN...

Here's to Humble and HUMAN beginnings...

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