Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day-to-Day Business...

Being a Mom... one who works part time... and one who will be returning back to school in 4 short weeks... there are days that I am just done! I have no energy or desire to get one more thing done, exercise included. With this "I can't possibly do another thing" attitude I have found that I can very easily tune in for reality TV for hours on end, search aimlessly online for nothing... and read many blogs to my hearts desire. How can one have no time but waste so much time doing nothing?

This week my commitment is to be physically active and accountable for my exercise and activity goals. My goal is to fill my time that I would normally be "doing nothing" with something fun... active... and that will make me sweat!

So far this is my progress:
Monday: 30 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes walking... and 20 minutes of soccer warm-up with my daughter.
Tuesday: 40 minutes of yoga, and a 30 minute bike ride pulling an extra 70lbs in children behind me...

Now, yes... I did sit and watch TV with my husband last night... but I did get some exercise in! One step forward and closer to my goal! YEAH!


Amy said...

I'm with you. I could have worked out this morning, but instead I sat around drinking coffee. Got to start getting out there!

Anonymous said...

GREAT JOB on getting your activity in today!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogging world! I saw your weigh in post on OFB, and I just wanted to tell you that we're about the same weight, and I know we're both going to reach our goals and beyond! Keep up the great job!

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