Sunday, July 1, 2012

Why wait till Monday?

I was going to start Monday, kicking up my workouts now that my ankle is doing better... so that I can be ready for the good 'ol Dirty Girl in August.  I woke up this morning and said - Why wait?  I have spent over half of my life waiting.... waiting for a quick fix to loose weight, waiting for money for a personal trainer, waiting for Fat to be the new "thin" - Clearly I have waited long enough!!

I got up got the kids settled, hubby went out to tackle the grass, and I had a small breakfast and a large side of vitamins/supplements and 2 Rx meds... and downed some water and I went off to the Y!  I got 7.5 miles in on the bike, and 1.5 on the elliptical - considering I could only do 5 minutes last time I was quite happy.  My next goal is to get on the rowing machine!  Man - I remember when my sister kicked ass on that thing in college - she was on a crew team and they had to do them for work outs - she was the leanest I had ever seen her!  I am hoping to lean down without too much bulk up - although muscles are welcome as fat is falling off! 

Don't wait until Monday - it comes and goes and so does  your motivation, get out there and just do it!  You will be happy with yourself that you did it!

Also, I am starting a week of NO BEEF for me, this may be hard... I have RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) and that is a listed trigger food - and as I am newly diagnosed - and have a mother whom has issues with food triggers I thought hey, if it's that easy I can do it!  The tough part, is cooking 2 meals - but I am willing to try that out for a week and see how I feel.  My hubby is allergic to any poultry: turkey, chicken, duck... if it has feathers - the meat makes him really ill.  I have armed the pantry with Chicken, Cod, Veggies, Fruit, Shrimp, and meatless burgers... I'll let you know how I do!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Happy Friday - Loosing and Loving it!

Yup!  Today I went to WW and weighed in, I was thrilled to have a -3.8 loss!  That brings me to a total of -8.1 in the last 4 weeks.  I am lower than my starting weight, so thrilled about that, (having gained during my recent ankle break).  I am pushing a head full force to reach my 10% 

What are you doing this weekend?  Me, hopefully not too much!  (Other than working in the garden, Zumba, and playing with the kids).  We will be grilling all weekend - and eating lots of fruits and veggies! 

Hope you have a great weekend!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Crazy June is almost over!

For someone who has been on "light duty" for the last 12 weeks, returning to regularly scheduled programming at work was difficult.  I did manage to survive my 12 hour night shifts - barely!

Good news, I am released from the ORTHO MD - which means a little more PT and my ankle is near good as it was before.  I am starting to kick it into high gear with training - moving up to 3 classes of Zumba/week and starting kettlebells after the 4th of July week holiday at the "Y".  I am excited to push myself, I know that I can do it!!!

I have been back at WW for 3 weeks now - doing great with logging food, and actually GOING!  I am down a total of -4.8lbs - with my next weigh in tomorrow - I hope to post some great results! 

My oldest had her tonsils out on Tuesday this week - and is healing up quite nicely, some pain and general uncomfortableness - but handling it like a trooper!!

Looking forward to posting more, whining less, and enjoying what life has in store for me!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Adventures of a non-blogger trying to blog..

Yes, that's me, I want to think of myself as a blogger, then I read great blogs like : Skinny Emmie or Roni.  They are so talented in their writing, and photos... who am I?

But, then I think, they had to start somewhere right?  They had a goal/purpose for writing, and so do I.  I want to write about my journey, to loose weight, and become a runner.  Not just say "YEAH! I Did It!", but the real struggles.

Right now I am still struggling with not being able to do weight bearing exercises.  The ankle and the boot are getting in my way.  I broke it nearly 8 weeks ago, and although I can walk on it... it's not ready for exercise.  This starts a cycle of pity party mode - which leads to binge eating - which when I see the scale makes me cringe.

I am committed to doing this, getting healthy, and hopefully loosing weight along the way.  I have been lucky not to have health issues related to my weight, but I want to make sure that continues and the numbers go down.

I will post at minimum 3 times per week, about my thoughts, going's on, health, success and failures... for who ever to read... if you are out there! :)

The time starts NOW!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hot days of May!

It's Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, we slept in a bit, then headed out to FLEET, (Fleet Farm - local Farm supplier/multipurpose store) and we picked up things for our garden.  I have always wanted a garden and last year we (by that I mean my husband) built a raised bed and we had a very successful planting of tomatoes, cucumbers, jalapenos, banana peppers, and mini-pepers (they didn't get much sun)

This year we are planting less, and hoping for better results, 2 types of tomatoes, 1 cucumber, baby carrots, green onions, jalapeno, habenaro peppers, butternut squash, green beans.  YEAH!!!


Me getting dirty - wearing my new Bondo-Band - I bought for exercising:

And finally....  

 I also took a pic of our landscaping in the backyard, put in 1 1/2 years ago.. finally looking good!!

Happy Saturday, off to party!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Oh it's been a long 8 weeks!

Nearly 8 weeks ago I broke my left ankle.  I know, really?  That was my thought exactly when it happened.  It wasn't a fabulous feat, I just stepped on something, my ankle/foot turned, and down I went.  I am accident prone, or klutzy, I get it!  But it took 35 years to have a real break (I don't count breaking my right pinky finger when my Mom accidentally closed the car door on it in 1986).

It takes a woman of 35 years to realize how much you miss when you are not able to do a darn thing.  I spent 6 weeks not putting weight on my foot, (I cheated a little, but was mostly compliant).  I felt helpless, useless, and broken.  Now that I am on the mend, I have this hunger to get out and exercise. 

Last weekend I was supposed to participate in my 2nd 5k - but well... you can't do that with a broken ankle.

I have 86 days until I do the Dirty Girl with a bunch of other crazy Mamma's, I want to be healthy enough, and strong enough to do it! 

My "woe is me" attitude has allowed me to gain 6lbs in the last 7.5 weeks.  Really???

I started tonight with a WW meeting, and am rejuvenated and connected with my goal, mission, and I am so ready for this journey! 

Join me!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Weekly Update - a few weeks late :)

Things here have been going well, I had the stomach flu last week which lead to a great weigh in and so far I have not gained any of that back, and I hope to keep it that way.  Honestly, being sick for 4 days was a good detox, I was able to keep up with minimal sugar and carbs and decreased caffeine intake.  I am getting the workouts ramped up, with Yoga this morning.  I bought a yoga mat, as doing yoga on a carpet at home gave me rug burn, what a difference!!  I can definitely tell a difference when I exercise, I feel better, and crave it more for sanity and strength!

Happy week!  Weigh in is on Friday Am - I will update then as to where I am at!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy Wednesday!

Oh my!  What did I sign myself up for!  I am excited about doing the Dirty Girl!  But I am scared!!!  I know that I can do it, I have time to do it and I have lots of support!  Why does it have to be soo hard?  I have been tracking food, exercising, and trying to stay "REAL". 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dirty Girl here I come!

That's right, this girl is going to get down and dirty!  A friend of mine asked me on New Years Eve if I would do the Dirty Girl Mud Run with her in August, as we both need that time to get into shape... I looked it over and nonchalantly said sure!  Well in our corner of the world this has gone VIRAL!  We have 48 members on a private Facebook group - and it's going to be an amazing adventure.

I am working towards improvement of my health, fitness level, and overall attitude on life.  Those are my goals.  I am continuing with Weight Watchers, as it's working!  Having a large supportive group of women doing this race they are planning trainings... I have confidence that I will be ready!  Hell I pulled on a pair of XXL Old Navy Compression pants today - ME... from the STORE!  My pants have always been 3X or 4X - 26/28, I can even button the size 22 jeans I got for Christmas, and SIT in them, and... BREATH!!  Such great success, looking forward to more and sharing with you!